Devin Stokely- 4th palce overall in Harescramble series. 2nd place overall in Enduro series. His highlighted events of the 2008 racing season was a 1st place at a Harescramble in Tenn. He placed 2nd and 3rd in many Harescrambles through out the year. He also won the 2008 Gobbler Getter Enduro as well as placing 3rd in a National Enduro in Lousiana. For the 2009 racing season he is planning on ridding a yz125 in a higher class.


Colin Mott: 4th place overall at bear wiz Eduro which is held in Alabama. Through the year his bike had a few troubles. With his bike locking up he missed a few races. He will be ready for the new year to start with new goals in racing. Next year Colin will be on a yz125.


Hunter Walters: soon to come. 


Bobby Stokley: don't race much. Has a couple of wins here and there. Is ridding a KDX220.

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